Samovar 6x7 (free)
Samovar 6x7
A free version of Samovar with user's guide (including linear filter computation, foward modeling, inverse modeling and Hydrus converter)
A free version of Samovar with user's guide (including linear filter computation, foward modeling, inverse modeling and Hydrus converter)
Samovar 6x7 (free)
Anatoly Legchenko kindly pusblish this free version of the Samovar 6x7 software with it's user's guide.
It contains the linear filter computation module, the foward modeling module, the inversion module and the Hydrus converter module together with the user's guide.
The program is fully compatibles with Numis, Numis Plus, Numis Lite, Numis Poly systems developped by IRIS Instruments.